Private Sector Engagement in Health Systems

Private sector engagement in health systems strengthening requires that governments focus on governance of the whole health system – both private and public – to ensure quality of care and financial protection for patients, irrespective of where they seek care. Private healthcare providers and pharmacies provide more than half of all health services in many developing countries and thus are a critical part of the health system. In order to achieve Universal Health Care, all sectors of the health system must be leveraged.

The GreenHealth Africa team has significant expertise working with the private sector, including both private providers and pharmacies. Our team members have developed and strengthened two of the largest global private provider social franchise networks and developed some of the largest pharmacy distribution networks for essential health products worldwide.

Our services include:

Inclusion of private providers into national health insurance schemes

Quality improvement and training of private providers

Social franchise development and marketing

Business development support for private sector providers

Provider behavior change communication development

Pharmacy training and medical detailing

Provider and pharmacy data mapping

Total market assessments and market development

Product development, distribution and marketing

Brand advertising and mass media campaign development

Implementation of voucher schemes

Development of digital tools for pharmacies, providers and consumer engagement for increasing access to services